Our Charitable Aims

We are a charity registered as the St Pancras Corporation Charity Society (Charity number: 246544).


Our fundraising efforts were historically focused on raising money for The Old Dears Charity in Chichester, which until recently, provided Alms Houses mainly for widows.

Prior to 1786, the original houses were situated in the Hornet, Chichester. In 1806, the houses were demolished and rebuilt on the same site by voluntary subscription.

Monies were endowed by Martha Dear and James Loader towards the upkeep of the properties which were built in 1970 to replace the former.

On the 19 September 1970 a commemorative stone was laid by Rev Alan Linsay to recognise the joint efforts of the Corporation’s burgesses in making the building of the houses possible.

The Corporation’s new charitable aims are ‘the organisation of fund-raising events to provide funds to make grants to relieve poverty among old people and other necessitous persons residing in the City of Chichester and the immediate vicinity.’

Each year we hold events such as the Annual Dinner and the Founders Day BBQ. These are popular and well-attended, and let us achieve this aim. Want to do your part to help but have fun and fellowship along the way? Get in touch!

The Present

In 2016, the Crier, Richard Plowman, was elected Downtown Mayor and the Corporation embarked on its biggest initiative for the Dears charity since the original almshouses were built in the 1970s. The award-winning local architect Richard Meynell produced an innovative design for four additional houses around a central courtyard. In March 2019 the first sod was turned by the then Mayor, Bill Craven, the Surveyor. The Corporation made a substantial contribution of £60,000 towards the project. Construction was completed by 2022. One of its casualties was the original commemorative mulberry, but with foresight, the architect had taken cuttings. A new tree was planted on the green in front of the houses and its plaque was restored.

The maintenance and management of the original almshouses was mainly supported by the Corporation, but a new solution was required for the eight houses, so the Dears Trust was amalgamated for that purpose with the larger St Mary’s Trust.

The former was closed down, thus severing its formal link of 120 years as the Corporation’s principal charity. However, the association is remembered by the Christmas walk.